Events, PartyPosts, Photography
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Finally in my last post, I managed to write  about our Chicago trip. Which apparently got so much feedback and Social Media “Buzz”. It is incredible how many people are following my Blog and caring about it. Or also, I have these “Secret” readers who will never admit that they are reading it. But I like Secret Readers~Thank you for clicking it 😉

Like I promised I will show the best photos of the 2015.
Well, let me be honest, it wasn`t the easiest challenge. I have been selecting photos over a week and everytime I am confused.
First because last year I had about 55 official photoshoots + travel, moments  and they all were completely different. But let me be honest 55 photoshoots are a pretty big amount work. And that`s why it is also very hard to choose the “Best Photos”. Because the question is what is the best photo? How can I distinguish them?
I have been taking photos of children, fashion, animals, weddings, maternity,  nature(I am not the best nature photographer), friendship photos, studio photos, family photos… and the list can go on and  on

So which one is/are the best/s? I don`t have the answer for it.
But I decided to bring out the photos that made me to remember 2015 the way it did. You will see that they all are from completely different time, place and theme. But this was my 2015!

Enjoy the photos

1. “Are you up there, can you see me?”

It is a photo taken at the Filipino wedding, which took place last year in May. Her eyes were seeing like someone very important and incredible up in the sealing. Like she is seeing someone powerful, someone who makes our dreams come true and someone who gives us hope.


Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Church in Montbrilliant

Event: Filipino Church Wedding


BEst photos of the year

2. “There is something more.”

Well, this is not a photo out of my photoshoot, I took this photo at the end of May. When the “Caves Ouvertes ” In Geneva took place.

I chose this photo,  because each and every time I am looking this picture I start to think about different things. I feel that this Photo has a story and we all see it different.
The story through my eyes is  that there is always something more. But is it worth of going? How Far can I possibily go?

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Geneva
Event: Caves Ouvertes 2015


BEst photos of the year-4


3. “Where do I hang my Jacket?”

Once again, completely out of my work photo.

Here is a place in Estonia, which probably every Estonian knows.
But there is a vibe, which makes you feel like in paradise when it is cold outside. At the moment it is -30 degrees in Estonia, so I assume that “Müüriääre Kohvik” makes you feel that the world is and can be a better place.
So if you ever visit Estonia, make sure that you are going to Haapsalu and have a good cappuccino and piece of declicious cake!
The World is a better place, it just depends on where you hang your jacket.

BEst photos of the year-5


4.  “Let me write you in my Fairy Tale.”

Another Wedding PhotoShoot.

When we had this photoshoot, then suddenly everything around me turned to be like a Fairy Tale.
It was a very cold morning, but I don`t remember any of that coldness anymore! 😉

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Port de Nyon
Event: Post Wedding Photos

BEst photos of the year-14

5.  ““Embrace all people with love.”

Friendship Photoshoot!
When in this week when I was going through all the photos, I started to look at this one, and I thought..
How about we all share more love!
Because since last year, I have avoided people who are having negative thoughts and talking about other persons. I have made peace with myself, and the only thing I can do ( we all could do) is to love more and LOVE MORE!

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Morges
Event: Friendship Photoshoot

BEst photos of the year-13


6. “Your Day is perfect  with your Bridesmaids.”

Well, of course, I have the bit of a personal feelings about the wedding and bridesmaids.
As at the moment I am planning my wedding and now after seeing this photo again. I realized how important are the Bridesmaids!
Because they are not just your friends, they are the ones who always been and will be next to you. And of course on your most important day, they will be there and cherish with you!

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Church in Montbrilliant
Event: Filipino wedding

BEst photos of the year-3


7. ” Dream… Dream always big.”

About this photo. Ohh it is a long story.
First, Daria is a good friend of mine and I offered her to have a photoshoot. Because what else I can give as a gift. Because this is a memory for a person forever.
Well, as I love running then I used to run around this field pretty often. I had all of the plans ready in my head how I am going to take photos etc.
When we had a photo shoot day and I told to Daria about my idea, she saw that field, and she thought I am not normal. There was nothing beautiful. Just a try grass.. And I was agree with her… But I also saw something she didint see on that moment.
Well, the photos came out Amazing. You can see more on my previous Blog Post

I forgot to mention that I even got awarded for that photo, and I won the first price for “Summer” photo category. Thank you for everyone who voted and made me feel extremely good!

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Geneva, Veryier
Event: Birthday Photoshoot


BEst photos of the year-10


8. “Life is full of colors.”

Ohh, I had so many children`s photoshoots last year. But As being au-pair in my previous years, it helps a lot. Children can be incredibly fun and also extremely difficult.
But here is the baby, I feel that we have a very close connection.
First because I took the photos of her, when she wasn`t born yet.
And also now Finally, I had a chance to take a pictures of her when she is in this life with all of us!
She is incredible 😉

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Morges
Event: One year after Photos

BEst photos of the year-15

9. “Smile, Always!”

Oh, I love this girl and her positive energy. Of course, she is endowed with her beautiful smile!

But this is one Fashion Photoshoot we did this summer. For more:

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Geneva
Event: Product Photoshoot

BEst photos of the year-8

10. ” If the eyes can speak.”

Oh wow, this photoshoot! I never expected that this is going to turn out like this.
Beautiful people, with whom I had such a great chemistry.
Everytime I say, if I have this chemistry during the photo shoot, then photos will turn out amazing!

Thank you for this beautiful evening and I hope that your next decade is going to be amazing.

Photo: Ms.B Lifesyle
Place: Geneva Old town
Event: Birthday Photoshoot


11. “Nature is more powerful than you`re “


Like I said, I am not a good Landscape Photographer. But here is again another very personal story.
It was a weekend when my mom and brother were flying over to Geneva, to spend a weekend in Chamonix.
First they missed their flight, second I managed to get another flight for them.
Third, I never drove that many km per day as I did on that day! I drove five times up and down from Chamonix to Geneva in one weekend.
But .. we had amazing Chalet, best friends, and SUN!

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Chamonix, Mont Blanc
Event: Weekend with Family

BEst photos of the year-18


12. “We all are better than we were yesterday.”

Again one photo out of this beautiful wedding.
I guess I don`t need to add many words because the passion what you can see ob the picture is more than I can say.

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Geneva
Event: Wedding

BEst photos of the year-2


13. ” We have more than we are aware of.”

Sometimes the photo can be just the only memory of some moment or day.
And here is a photo of two very beautiful young girls. As there future is just ahead of them.
I found it very beautiful friendship photo.

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Morges
Event: “Goodbye Party for their friend”


BEst photos of the year-12


14. “Tallinn, Tallinn… Oh I was born there.”

Yes, Tallinn the City where I was born. The city that has such a beautiful and long history.
Tallinn is a beautiful City, if you ever get a chance, please visit and send me a selfie! 😀

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Radisson Hotel Rooftop Bar
Event: Last day in Tallinn

BEst photos of the year-7


15. “I am girl, but Fashion is part of me.”

This photo it taken during our Collection Photoshoot for Gemminamia.
And that`s true, girls no matter age.. They will always love beautiful things! 😉
Like I mentioned before, I took lots of photos of children last year. I wish I could share them all.

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: France
Event: Fashion Product Photoshoot



16. “Chicago Train Station at 12.00 O`clock afternoon.” 

Chicago was the longest trip for us this year. Probably the most important holiday for me, as I finally met the Family of my Love.
But why this photo?

It was the incrdible moment when we all came off from the train, and the train station was full of people, and then 10 seconds later. We didn’t see anyone anymore.” That shows for me that every second thing can change, just depends on where you are and with whom you are. You don`t stop the time.

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Chicago Central Train Station
Event: Holiday in Chicago
BEst photos of the year-20

17.  ” Fashion is what I breathe and eat.”

A Beautiful collection of Gemmina Mia`s Fashion Collection.
Well like I said last year I was part of 20 different Fashion Shoots.  I wish I could share more photos of the different industry. As I working with very luxurious brands at the moment, but let me share them once in 2016 🙂

Thank you Christelle and Elodie, for making the Fashion Shoots always memorable.

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18. “You`re always The Boss! Everything depends on you.”

I think this Picture says it`s all. And I just LOVE IT!
You don`t need to have Ferrari or expensive things; you need to be the BOSS in your head! And here is THE BOSS!

Photo: Ms. B Lifestyle
Place: Haapsalu Old Town
Event: Holiday In Estonia


19. “What is the colour of LOVE?”

Can you tell me?
Here is my Sister-in-law, who got married this year.

Here is one photo of this beautiful day before she got married.

Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Chicago
Event: Indian Wedding

BEst photos of the year-22


 Now 5 very Personal Photos

These were just  20 photos of taken by me and my last year memories. But next I would like to share next 5 Photos of me or someone/something important.

20. ” She is the Magic of my love.”

Oh, of course, I have to go personal. But like I said I can`t say which kind of photos are the best ones and which are not.
So that`s why all the photos I have chosen are here for the reason.
She is my mother in law, but moreover, she is the one who have raised a beautiful and caring man. She is the reason I can wake up every morning and say to my better half that I am so happy to have you. She is a reason why my life changed because I never believed in love. I believe in work, career and everything has to be serious in this  life.

But she is the woman who gave so much love to his son, that today I am a lot happier person.
And the only thing I can say is that THANK YOU FOR RAISING A MAN LIKE MY BETTER HALF.

And when she comes to visit us, you all must come and eat her delicious Indian food.


Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Chicago
Event: Indian Wedding


BEst photos of the year-21

21. “Party which I will never forget.”

Ohhhh, how many beautiful people I have! And you all are more Awesome than … the UNIVERSE
My Last year`s birthday party probably was the craziest party for me, as the biggest storm happened to be on that day. Over 80 people attend the party in our apartment and as you can see they all are smiling.
See you in 2016 – and it is going to be even more wild! 😉

Thank you for the photo: Rav Singh (We are missing you)


22. “We are blessed by our best people in this world”

Yes, we got engaged last year. Oh wow!
Picture of a day when I had tears in my eyes by realizing how blessed we are with our friends, family, etc.
And as you can see, I am really happy!
Of course lots of close people could not attend as they are living far away. But they all were there with their hearts.

See you at the wedding 😉


BEst photos of the year-24



Actually I don`t know even what to add here more! This is one part of my  project “When the world Stops Spinning.”

Have a look at the Video,


24. “She is my strength and power”

She is my beautiful mom! She is the reason I am today who I am.
I know how to stand for myself, I know how to find a solution even when everything seems hopeless, and there is no bright future at the end of the tunnel. But there always is!

She is the reason that drives me crazy, happy and makes me feel important. She is my mom, who will do everything for me. She is my best friend.

She has powerful wings, and she brings the Sun out!
Thank you for making me feel that no one can stop me!


Photo: Ms.B Lifestyle
Place: Mont Blanc 2525 m
Event: Family Weekend

BEst photos of the year-17


25. ” 8 years of unconditional love”

Here is my beautiful Family!

A Little bit more than eight years ago I had the honor to become the first time in my life Sister.

I was 17 years only Child. THE ONE AND ONLY! And then my life changed, I got the biggest responsibility; I become a sister!
And this all happened eight years ago…
It is funny how life knows the best what do you need in this life and what makes your life better and happier.
Thank you, Bryan, for making me feel so important as a big sister.
Thank you for bringing so much love and happiness!

Photo: Praveen

BEst photos of the year-23



Thank you for taking your time and reading it!
It was an incredible year, and there are a lot more to share and show.
But I think the highlights of the year are here 😉

If you would like that Ms.B is your photographer or videographer, then get in touch.

With Love,



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