Month: October 2014

Autumn shows – Love and Happiness!

Oh, What a wonderful Autumn we have here in Geneva. Last weekend we had  +25 degrees and it felt so weird to go out with your summer shoes and dress, when shops are already full of Christmas Decorations. But before Christmas arrives we will have Crazy Halloween, Thanks giving and then slowly slowly Christmas will arrive. You see, how things in shops and advertisements makes you to think about Christmas already right now But let`s come back to this weekend. It was lovely, I am sure that all these people who are living in Geneva area, they agree with me. Wonderful Brazilian Family invited me to take some fancy Autumn photos of them. Brazilians are just so beautiful and here I would like to share some of my favorite pictures. Enjoy! PS: Who would like to have a family/friends portrait photos for a Christmas, then please try to book yourself soon. Because otherwise others will be faster.  “You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell …

Beautiful autumn Dream.

Dear Followers, I am so glad to  have you all, because you all my inspiration. This week Inspiration was for me a “new life”. New life which makes all of us happier and positive. I had such a big honor to take photos of the child who hasn`t arrived in this world yet. Hopefully one day she will be thankful to me as well 🙂 It was a lovely day, because i felt so much positive energy. Hopefully I managed to get these emotions also on the photos.   “Remember this, for it is as true and true gets: Your body is not a lemon. You are not a machine. The Creator is not a careless mechanic. Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth well as aardvarks, lions, elephants, moose, and water buffalo. Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body.”             Thank you so much! If you would like to …

Hosting a Halloween Party?

Of course this month the biggest Event is Halloween. So are you planning to host a Halloween party, but you would like to do something different. Here are some Ms.B Partytime Ideas! Enjoy 🙂 🙂 🙂 Check out these Pictures, maybe they will make your inspiration flow 🙂           ‘ Happy decorating,   MsB

Delicious Pumpkin Pie this October.

Dear Friends and Followers, Events are always including some delicious dish. In October we have a wonderful chance to do many things out of Pumpkin. Personally I like marinated Pumpkin, which I am planning to do this year for my Christmas Table 🙂 (This is really Northern European dish) But today I would like to share a delicious version of pumpkin pie. Why pumpkin pie is good for you: * A slice of pumpkin pie is a significant source of water-soluble B vitamins, offering 20 percent of the recommended daily intake for thiamin and vitamin B-12 *These vitamins aid in skin, vision and neurological health, red blood cell formation and the maintenance of appetite, digestion and metabolism. *One slice of pie supplies 9 percent of daily recommendation for phosphorous and 7 percent for calcium and iron. Benefits of these minerals include bone, tooth, neurological, cellular and metabolic health. Because of pumpkin pie’s high fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium content, you may want to come up with ways to enjoy it without just cutting yourself a …

“Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.

End of September.. Wonderful Sunny day & for MsB Partytime it means inspirational day. This time the challenge for me was going back to the 20th century, 1950.. Personally I love 50s, women were so feminine & men were nicely dressed up and thy were acting like Gentlemen. I think it was a “classy” time. These photos were taken for one Clothes Fashion Shop in Unites States. Some facts about 50s 🙂 The 1950s or simply, the Fifties, was a decade that bore a deep-rooted impact not only on America, but on the entire world. People who lived through the decade, have multitude of memories, good and bad. Those who were born afterwards, heard a lot of stories about “the era”. ✫ Walt Disney’s Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland were released in 1950 and 1951 respectively, and were smashing hits. ✫ In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first ever artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik 1. This was an important advancement because valuable information about the ionosphere could be gained through radio signals generated by the satellite. …